Diverse Voices in Southern Lit

Site for students in my Diverse Voices in Southern Literature course.

Sunday, March 12

Important reminders

Remember that you will need to submit the prospectus for your project by 3/22. As indicated in the assignment, this must be be typed and should include a paragraph describing your approach to the topic, what you have uncovered so far, and some of the main ideas you'll address. It also must include a preliminary bibliography. One more thing that you need to do, as we discussed in our last class (section 4, we didn't get to this because we were so rushed by the delay), is include a paragraph describing the PROCESS of your library research. Which databases did you use, which search terms did you use, and what articles/books did you find? Keep track of this as you do your research and detail this in your prospectus.

Please note that the prospectus step is mandatory and that you will lose points from your final grade if it is not submitted on time. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or need guidance. I'm happy to offer feedback.

Also, to help you keep up with the evaluation of your blogs, I have posted the blog grades up to this point in your gradebook on BlackBoard. As your syllabus indicates, you are graded on both completing the entire assignment, including both posts and comments, and also on the quality of your work. If you posted without commenting, or commented without posting, I gave you partial credit, up to 50%. Obviously, a pattern of completing only half the assignment will become problematic if you continue it throughout the semester. Another problem for some people is a pattern of only posting sporadically.

Luckily, there are 8 more weeks for blogging; while there's no way to make up for weeks that you didn't complete the work, you can still claim the credit for upcoming weeks.


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