Diverse Voices in Southern Lit

Site for students in my Diverse Voices in Southern Literature course.

Monday, January 16

Welcome to the portal blog for English 126, "Diverse Voices in Southern Literature." All individual student blogs for this course can be accessed from this site, just click on the highlighted links. Remember, these blogs serve as your space to write and reflect, whether on the material we're reading, various issues raised in class, or on current events in the South (e.g., rebuilding New Orleans after Katrina or the ongoing debates about "intelligent design"). It's also an opportunity to extend our dialogue beyond the classroom into this less formal "virtual" setting. It's also a good place to pursue the self-reflexive question of what our stake in all of this Southern stuff is, anyway...why, if most of us are Northerners, should we care about this and what do we hope to learn? Finally, it's not a bad idea to use your blogs to work through the practical matters of your research projects; you can brainstorm topics here, raise questions about resources, and record updates on your progress. Let me know if you have any questions as you set up your blogs, and let's see what develops...


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