Diverse Voices in Southern Lit

Site for students in my Diverse Voices in Southern Literature course.

Sunday, February 5

Blog Business

I’ve been thinking over the problem that some of you mentioned on Friday; I agree that having both comments and the entries themselves due on the same day is bound to cause difficulties. So here’s what we’ll do: let’s make the entries (posts) due by 9:00 Weds. night from now on, and keep the deadline for your comments the same: by class time on Friday. This will give you more time to read all the entries and offer insightful comments.

Also, as we’ve discussed in class, the blogs offer a flexible format for responding to and writing about the readings and issues we’re working with. Since your blogging styles are still evolving, I want to cite some examples of what I see as the particular strong points of some of recent posts. Think about emulating/incorporating some of these techniques into your own posts:

Both DEM (04) and Debbie (05) offer selective quotes from the text to illustrate their comments, which demonstrates a detailed engagement with the text

On “Downtoearthtoo,” Rae’s post from last week offers a sustained and insightful comparison of two different texts

Kevin L. (04) writes posts that display both a command of the material and personal reflection, making his entries both unique and fun to read

On “Southern Voices” Courtney included links in her posts, which adds to the class’s knowledge of the topic she’s blogging about

Christie (05) ended her post with a question to her readers, which elicited some great responses and created a dialogue

One other suggestion: don’t forget to log into the blogger site before commenting on other students’ sites; otherwise your comment may not post.

Be watching later this week for more information about research topics.


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